Modernisation of existing electrolysis systems type LT- TS- MV-

PLC control, modern electronic power supply units and low-maintenance components reduce not only operating but also energy costs.

In daily use since 1987
Modernisation LT-100 (Hotel Pontresina - 2023)

Private pool LT-30
Replaced after almost 20 years by an SD-30 with cell cleaning module using sulphuric acid.

Over 29 years of satisfaction (BJ1994)

outdoor pool in Gais (CH)

Modernisation of the existing TS-500 including control system for chlorine dosing of 2 swimming pools

Modernisation TS-300 (Indoor swimming pool in Balzers - 2022)

In daily use for 17 years
MV-2000 complete renovation project (Bellavita adventure pool and spa - 2023)

We carried out this work ourselves at our SDWT-plant, which is cost-efficient and uncomplicated. Well planned and prepared, there was only a brief interruption in the automatic chlorination of the pool.